Greys class 19th October

Date: 19th Oct 2018 @ 3:40pm

Well, the end of term has finally arrived and what a busy term we have had!

We've learned all about the wonderful world of trees and plants, the seasons and so much more. We've thoroughly enjoyed our trips out and our Autumnal walks.

This week we have been reading Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell and have thought of questions to ask a new farmer before designing our own job adverts, we have hot seated in the roles of the animal, the farmer and the interviewer. We practised writing in the past tense and wrote letters to the farmer explaining exactly how we (in role as the animals) felt following his treatment of us. We are all improving our handwriting by trying to keep our letters of a simialr size and neatly on the line, using a variety of conjunctions and using capital letters and full stops in the correct places.

In Maths the Year 1s have been adding and subtracting one and 2 from 2 digit numbers using beaded lines and cubes, before finishing off the week by answering word problems using a combination of these concepts. The Year 2s have been adding and subtracting to the nearest multiple of 10 using number squares, beaded lines and number lines, in fact some of use didn't even need to use any resources to help us solve the problems.

In Phonics the Year 2s have been looking at the -le sound at the end of words, whilst the Year 1s have been looking at alternative pronunciations of g, c, u and ie.

There will be no spellings or homework over half term so please continue to read as much as possible.

Show and Tell week commencing Tuesday 30th Ocotber ( Seasons and weather)

Tuesday - Amelie

Wednesday - Arthur

Thursday - Emilia

Friday - Thea

Have a fabulous half term!


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