26 February - 1 March

Date: 1st Mar 2024 @ 4:38pm

Year 1 were introduced to a few new sound in phonics this week: /ture/  making the 'chwa' sound and /tch/ as in 'watch'. They played a fun game on Friday which relied on their knowledge of the 'tricky' words we've worked on this week.

Year 2's concentrated on the 'ee' sound in words that end in /ey/. I was so impressed with how well they worked together to work out and 'unjumble' the given words  in our Friday spelling game. Ask  your child to explain.

In Maths the Year 1's have begun to learn about the place value of numbers beyond 20 up to 50.

In Year 2 we have begun to explore the concept of multiplication being a way of grouping equally and repeated addition.

In English the Year 1's have sequenced their story, witten a shopping list for 'Sophie's mum', and written some beautiful descriptive sentences about the Tiger and the story. We are so poud of them!

Year 2's used their poem ,'Been a Bean' and  linked each stanza to the different stages of the bean's lifecycle.  They then wrote a brief wonderful description of each stage of the lifecycle. 

Today they illustrated a plant of their choice, labeled it and adapted prior knowledge to describe the way 'their' plant grows. They told me they enjoyed this and at first glance, they seem to have done a super job, Well done Year 2's for tackling this so enthusiastically!

In computers we looked at the workings of the International Space Station, its function , reliance on computers and the data it collects. 

In PSHE we talked about finding the 'silver lining' in situations that seem hard.  While this may seem like a difficult concept for the younger children especially, i think it one worthwhile discussing further at home.

In R.E. we learnt about Abraham and his importance in both Christianity and Judaism. They learnt vocab like; covenant and nation. They sang the song 'Father Abraham had many sons.....' with all the actions. It was fun!

In Geography we labelled maps of the United Kingdom using atlases and other sources. Three groups then completed their own maps of Rotherfield Peppard. They were amazing!

Grey's class were fascinated with the Willow structure that has been so beautifully crafted on our common. Andy answered the children's many questions and then they came indoors and drew their impression of it.

I've included a photo to show you how 'clean' our children were this week after playing on a particularly wet and muddy common!!! They delight in comparing how much mud they've collected! each day

Have a great weekend.

Jen Tully 

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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