Friday 9th June

Date: 9th Jun 2023 @ 1:51pm

Bell boating

On Wednesday a group of children went bell boating on the river in Henley. We rowed a couple of miles down the river and we learnt about the local wildlife and history along the way. It was great fun and at the end we were allowed to jump into the river if we wanted. it was cold!

Play rehearsal 

Rehearshals are well under way for the play. We are all really excited. On Friday we started our first run through. We have been allocating speaking parts and practicing the songs. 


We will be playing rounders and capture the flag in PE this term. We will be playing lots of different variations of rounders including scatter ball and kick ball and we will be playing capture the flag using the whole Common. 

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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