Highmoor 15th March

Date: 15th Mar 2024 @ 12:04pm

Welcome to our week in Highmoor.

It has been a very busy week with assessments and trips out. On Wednesday we took part in a rugby festival held at Emmer Green Primary School. We were spilt into two different teams and each played various teams from other schools. We had a really great time and got to use all our skills we learnt last term in our rugby lessons.

On Thursday it was our trip to Kew Gardens which ties in with our science topic. We spotted spring bees and were pollinators for the blooming cherry trees and daisies, then we explored the rainforest in the Palm House. The sun shone for our Treetop Walk, which was amazing and quite a feat! After a gentle stroll back through the Temperate House and some time spent watching the skies and listening to the birds in the sunshine, it was time to come back home.

In maths we have been working on fractions of amounts and moved on to decimals. We looked at tenths and hundredths, added tenths to numbers and investigated decimals in place value charts.

In geography we looked at different biomes and where they are on Earth and how they related to climate zones.

In RE we focused on The Last Supper; what happened there and the things that Jesus said.

We made maps of items we laid out on tables using a key to help. We then drew a route through the objects and asked our partner to see if they could follow our maps and drive a car around the table!

Homework is times tables, daily reading, spellings and Doodle maths.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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