Highmoor 15th September

Date: 15th Sep 2023 @ 2:28pm

Welcome to our week in Highmoor.

In maths we have been continuing with place value. We have been looking at different ways of representing numbers, partitioning numbers into 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s and flexible partitioning (ie 3679 can be 3000+600+70+9 or 2600+1079 etc) and solving problems involving these skills. 
In literacy we have continued to work on our autumnal haikus with Mrs Griffith. We are also reading The First Drawing and basing some writing around this story set in the Stone Age with Mrs Claridge.
We have continued our work with charcoal in art and have started to think about prehistoric art and used charcoal to recreate some of the prehistoric cave art images we have seen.
Our Science topic this half term is Sound. We have been comparing the different sounds different materials make. We saw lots of good teamwork in science investigating the frequency of sound using our homemade guitars!
We investigated time lines in history and made our own big timeline in the classroom of important events in the world going back to the extinction of the dinosaurs, we discussed AD and BC. We then looked at a timeline showing the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age in Britain. 
It has been lovely to see the children in Highmoor stepping up to look after the new children in Peppard class at break and lunch times whilst Springwood have been on residential. The children have enjoyed the extra responsibility and have loved playing with the younger children.
All children have completed a new baseline assessment on Doodle maths and are set up ready to continue as homework. Spellings have been sent out in Home School Diaries and reading books should be being taken home daily. 
Enjoy the weekend everyone! 

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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