Highmoor 17th November

Date: 17th Nov 2023 @ 1:50pm

Welcome to our week in Highmoor.

In maths we have been continuing looking at multiplication and division. We have been focussing on our mental multiplication skills sometimes using place value charts to help us.

In literacy we have been continuing reading Iron Man and have been thinking about what makes a good story opening. We discussed and sorted eight different ones, before writing our own using some of the great authors’ ideas! We have also been reading the picture book Fox and have had some great discussion around this and have been writing in the style of the book.

We practiced our hand/eye coordination in art by doing our best to copy intricate patterns. We tried to be bold and confident in our mark making using pens and no rubbers to good effect.

We investigated invisible gases this week in Science. We realised that there were 3 signs of chemical reaction when mixing carbonates and acid and that some reactions were quite exciting….and smelly!! We also investigated which carbonate gave off the most CO2.

The children did amazingly well on Tuesday at the cross country event. The weather was not on our side but every single member of Highmoor ran the course and finished with smiles on their faces despite the rain and mud. We were so proud of them all for giving their best and showing great sportsmanship cheering everyone on.

For art next week the children need to bring in a can/ small box of food. We’re not going to eat it,  we will be looking at the design of the wrapper. It will be returned that evening . Thank you.

Homework is Doodle maths, daily reading and spellings which can be found in the back of their homes school diaries or on the class page on the website. We are on term 1b week 3.

Have a lovely weekend all. 


Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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