Highmoor 19th April

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 9:45am

Welcome to the start of the Summer term in Highmoor.

In science, we started investigating electricity. We made simple circuits to understand how to make a lightbulb work.

We continued where we left off last term in maths with year 3 working on capacity and volume and year 4s continuing with decimals partitioning them into tenths and hundredths, flexibly partitioning and ordering and comparing.

In English we started to read the book 80 Days Around The World and will continue with this this half term. We also started a wordless picture book called Journey and had lots of excellent observations and discussion around the start of the story. We wrote sentences using prepositional phrases to describe the first picture and wrote speech to accompany the next images.

Our geography topic is Our World. We will be adding to our own world maps over the coming weeks. This week we used atlases and google earth to identify continents and precisely locate the equator. We identified lots of countries in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

In RE our enquiry question is Does Jesus have authority for everyone? We started by thinking about what it means to have authority, the people in our own lives who have authority, authority figures around the world and the qualities we associate with people in authority.

PE on Tuesdays is Bollywood dancing! We started to learn a few moves which we will be working towards putting together into a routine. On Wednesdays we are honing our rounders skills and playing games.

Please don't forget homework - times tables, reading, Doodle maths and spellings.

Have a great weekend all. 

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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