Highmoor 1st March

Date: 1st Mar 2024 @ 10:11am

Welcome to our week in Highmoor.

In maths we have continued to learn about fractions. We have been working with mixed numbers and improper fractions and converting between the two, putting fractions on number lines and learning about equivalent fractions.

We finished our ‘I have’ poems in literacy and are very pleased with the results we have some fantastical ideas from riding hippos in space to elephants teaching! All children worked hard to make sure they had the right number of syllables in each line to maintain rhythm, and that their poems rhymed.

In geography we learnt about the polar climate zone and used google maps to locate cities, and drew a venn diagram to compare the Arctic and Antarctic.

We continued to use Scratch programming in Computing, this week using loops to get our sprite to repeat actions. We also added sound which made for a fun but noisy lesson!

In RE we looked in detail at Passover; the reason why it is celebrated and what Jewish families do during the celebrations.

We looked at different types of seeds in science and tried to identify how they are dispersed by looking at their characteristics. We made paper helicopters to mimic certain seed's dispersal and had lots of fun. 

On Thursday all children in the school were involved in willow weaving and got to see a new structure for the Common being built.

We worked on our hockey skills in PE and also did more orienteering skills this week looking at OS maps and symbols.

Homework is Doodle maths, reading, spellings and times tables.

Have a lovely weekend all.

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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