Highmoor 22nd March

Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 11:11am

Welcome to our week in Highmoor.

It’s been another busy week with lots going on. On Tuesday we had an art workshop by Michaela from the Henley Youth Festival. We made picture frames decorated with some of our own ‘favourite things’ which was the theme of this year’s festival.
On Wednesday it was DT day and we designed and made our own Easter cushions. We used appliqué and various stitches in our work. It was a very enjoyable day, all children were so focused on their work and not making mistakes and all made huge progress throughout the day. 
On Tuesday some of us took part in a maths challenge at St. Mary’s School in Henley. First round included making polygons, second round electrical circuits and the third round inverse operations with cookies and juice to help! They had lots of fun and did really well. 
In maths year 3 have been working on mass and scales whilst year 4 have continued to work with decimals focusing particularly on hundredths. We work on times tables daily in class but extra time at home will really make a difference to those year 4s that are not yet confident in all their tables. 
We have been working on a dilemma story based on ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ and have been acting out and planning our own versions. We wrote them up in best and are very pleased with our final work. 
We continued working on biomes and climate zones in Geography identifying the different climate, landscape and flora and fauna in different biomes.
We hope you enjoyed coming in to class on Thursday for Book Look. The children all really look forward to sharing their work with you and it was lovely to see so many of you there. 
Homework is Doodle maths, spellings, reading and times tables. 

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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