Highmoor 6th October

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 2:35pm

Welcome to our week in Highmoor.

On Tuesday we visited the Earth Trust near Wittenham Clumps as part of our history topic ‘How Britain changed during the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages.’ We walked around and investigated a hill fort and it’s surrounding area, made a Bronze Age round house using willow weaving techniques, whittled sticks on which to cook Iron Age bread over a camp fire and handled lots of ancient artefacts that have been found locally. All the children had a fantastic time, particularly when pretending to attack the hill fort!

Wednesday was Harvest Festival. It was lovely to see so many of you in church. Thank you for the contributions of food. We hope you enjoyed our poems we’ve been writing in literacy!

Thursday was another exciting day as we got to go to the Henley Litetary Festival. It was so inspiring listening to the authors  Greg James and Chris smith. They told us about their series Kid Normal and we all got a signed copy of their new book Super Ghost.

Back in the classroom we’ve been working on column addition in maths. Some of us are working with 4 digit numbers, some 3, some 2 but we are practising the same skills and applying them to solving problems.

We wrote a description of the Stone Age camp in literacy and will be looking at how we can improve this next week.

In Science we measured the volume of sounds made by different actions, recorded the data and interpreted it all in a bar graph.  Unsurprisingly, the loudest sound we recorded was the class shouting at 117dB!

Please don’t forget homework. Doodle maths, times tables, reading and spelling.

Have a great weekend everyone. 

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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