Highmoor 9th February

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 11:12am

Welcome to the last week of this half term in Highmoor.

It has been a very busy week with two trips out. On Tuesday we went to Maidenhead Synagogue to tie in with our RE work. We had many moments of awe and wonder as we explored the synagogue. We got to look at and “read” a Torah using a yad, we were impressed with the large, highly decorative torahs in the ark, Max wore a tallit shawl and kippah hat and we were very excited to take challah bread back to school and try some. It was exciting to see some if the things we’ve been learning about in school.

On Thursday we took part in a Sportshall athletics event. We all took part in several events including relays, obstacle, long and high jumps. We had great fun competing against other schools.

In the classroom we wrote playscipts in literacy based on part of the Perseus and Medusa myth. Children did really well and included all the features needed and we had some dynamic dialogue between characters.

In maths we have been learning about fractions. We looked at the whole and what the numerator and denominator represents, unit fractions and compared the size of them, and counting past one in fractions.

We finished our history topic on Ancient Greece by looking at the impact they have had on our world today and had to decide which of their legacies is most important. We realised just how impactful they were as the list included democracy, medicine, justice system, technology, philosophy, sport and many more.

In Science we dissected daffodil flowers, learning about and identifying all the parts of a flower. It was great fun.

We used collage technique to create still life pictures in art. We have been working towards this this half term looking at patterns on Greek vases and still life paintings. We are very pleased with our final work!

We hope you all have a great half term and are looking forward to seeing you after the break.

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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